My student accommodation in Edinburgh

Edinburgh is an old city, so the accommodation in Old Town often consists of buildings that are rich in history. Daria When I was trying to research which student accommodation to choose for my stay in Edinburgh, I found most of my information on the accommodation website (Our accommodation | UOE Accommodation ( and I…

Accommodation at the University of Edinburgh: Pollock Halls

  I have officially been in Edinburgh for a month now, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience in Lee House at Pollock Halls. Before coming to Edinburgh, I was worried that having the accommodation not on campus like it was at the University of Toronto – Mississauga that I would find it difficult to…

Avoiding a “Study Abroad Rut”

It’s easy to stay spontaneous while abroad if you are traveling every weekend, but what happens when you’re just staying put? I realized that in my first month in Edinburgh, I was quickly getting into a routine. Sure, at my home university I have my routines and I’m okay with that. What I am NOT…

‘Yes, Mum, I eat well in Scotland!’

Before moving to Edinburgh, I had heard of the legendary deep fried Mars bars and thought that I would be strong enough to resist them. This year was actually my first time living away from my parents, so of course my mother was a little bit concerned and provided me with many tips on how…

Lessons from Creative Learning Week

The Festival of Creative Learning has now come and gone, and I spent my week off from classes walking around the city and an empty campus as well as attending workshops. When I heard about the different events running on campus, I decided to stay in Edinburgh and join in on the Festival while most…

Survival Guide to Missing Your Pets in Edinburgh

I have been blessed with two wonderful, absolutely fantastic dogs named Jeyson and Caramel, and I miss them every single day. This is especially true during dark times (read: essay season), when I feel like if we had ever met, I could have been e.e. cummings’s inspiration for the lines ‘You Are Tired / (I…

The Weekend Diaries Part One

Last Saturday, I spent the whole day out and about. One of my friends suggested we check out what the Open Doors Day has to offer, so we met up on saturday morning to discuss our plan for the day in a cute little café (Café 1505 on Nicolson Street). I have never heard of…

I’m On Exchange in Edinburgh Part II

“There’s nary an animal alive that can outrun a greased Scotsman” – Groundskeeper Willie in Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadassss Song, The Simpsons (1994). I’ve always been hindered by some mass crippling doubt. It started when I was seven. I had just graduated from Stingrays to Dolphins at State Swim and it was time for us…

A new beginning

I can’t believe how time flies! Two weeks have passed since I arrived to this magical city. The first week was one of the craziest weeks of my life. I arrived the 10th of September around 2 pm. I met other Spanish girl during the flight and another one when I was going out from…

Sunny, Monday 29th

Hello, glad to be blogging again. I am sorry it’s been a while since I wrote my last post here but my life as been quite busy with the learning week and deadlines always nearer. I am writing from the main library cafè, incredibly I found a place to sit! The library is packed these days,…