Adventures at Swanston Farm

In the southwestern part of Edinburgh lies Pentland Hills Regional Park, a beautiful expanse of hikes and farmland. A great place to visit in this park is Swanston Farm, which is about a 20-minute drive from the center of the city.

4 “near-death” Experiences in Edinburgh

Disclaimer: all of these “near death experiences” are exaggerations- I have, so far, never genuinely feared for my life whilst living in Edinburgh. I actually waited several weeks before writing this post in hopes that I would have a fifth near-death experience, as that would’ve made this a more well-rounded list, but after waiting over a month I guess I’m just too experienced now for those newbie mistakes!

My First Week in Edinburgh

My first week in Edinburgh was spent exploring the city and beyond with my dad and sister. We rented a flat near George Square and from there we branched out and made many stops around the city. We got a real taste of Edinburgh cuisine, trying everything from real Scottish restaurants, Italian places, Mexican dishes,…

Never Trust the Breeze

A lifetime would not be enough to discover every secret corner of Edinburgh, but there is a way to look at it all at once. How? Change your perspective! Escape the streets and closes and take the time to climb the majestic hill of Arthur’s Seat, which from its 251 m of height stands imposing…

Living in the city

Before arriving in Edinburgh I had some preconceived notions about what the city was like. Specifically, its size. Edinburgh is way larger than I thought it would be, with tons of stuff to do!

My student accommodation in Edinburgh

Edinburgh is an old city, so the accommodation in Old Town often consists of buildings that are rich in history. Daria When I was trying to research which student accommodation to choose for my stay in Edinburgh, I found most of my information on the accommodation website (Our accommodation | UOE Accommodation ( and I…

Edinburgh: a city for student discounts !

I’ve been living in Edinburgh for nearly two months now and I still feel as amazed by the city as I was in week 1. There are simply so many things to do, to see and to taste here that it felt very overwhelming at first because I had no idea how to experience everything,…

The castle

In all of the places that I have lived in the United States, none of them have had a castle in the middle of the city. I have been told that this isn’t normal for Europe, but it is amazing nonetheless. It’s not hidden either, it’s the focal point of the entire city. Sat at…

Semester II – so far, so good…

Hey guys! It’s been a while again since I last wrote a blog entry. I hope you had a good start into the new semester and didn’t freeze to death in one of the numerous snow storms. But considering that each of them only lasted for about two hours, chances are very low, I guess….

Accommodation at the University of Edinburgh: Pollock Halls

  I have officially been in Edinburgh for a month now, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience in Lee House at Pollock Halls. Before coming to Edinburgh, I was worried that having the accommodation not on campus like it was at the University of Toronto – Mississauga that I would find it difficult to…

Arthur’s Seat Sunrise

What I love about Edinburgh is that even though it’s a big city filled with tons of people, a maze of streets to get lost on, and double-decker buses and cars that can run you over at any given moment, there are always places to escape to if you feel like you need to get…