Never Trust the Breeze

A lifetime would not be enough to discover every secret corner of Edinburgh, but there is a way to look at it all at once. How? Change your perspective! Escape the streets and closes and take the time to climb the majestic hill of Arthur’s Seat, which from its 251 m of height stands imposing over the city.

Arthur’s Seat path view

“A hill for magnitude, a mountain in virtue of its bold design”, as R. L. Stevenson reminds us.

The reasons for climbing the hill are endless, just pick one. Maybe you venture up the path simply because someone told you that if you don’t you will have 7 years of bad luck (don’t worry, apparently it only applies if you are students). That’s fine, do it.

Alone or in company, for fun or to reflect, it does not matter. Climb up and breathe that new air that only a change of perspective can offer. You will understand that the huge and heavy things of our everyday life are actually tiny once you have a chance to look at them with a different eye, just like Edinburgh Castle looks small observed by Athur’s Seat.

And when you’ll look down the path from the top, enchanted by the splendor that surrounds you, you will feel proud to have chosen to embark on this little adventure. Sometimes a change of perspective is all we need to make things right.

Just a little warning: don’t trust the breeze. Breeze in the city means gale on top of Arthur’s Seat. I’m telling you, it’s kind of funny, but if you care about your glasses, your phone and your grandparents, don’t take them up this hill when it’s windy or the wind will blow them away.

– Irene