Adventures at Swanston Farm

In the southwestern part of Edinburgh lies Pentland Hills Regional Park, a beautiful expanse of hikes and farmland. A great place to visit in this park is Swanston Farm, which is about a 20-minute drive from the center of the city.

Travelling to the Scottish Highlands

Castles from Game of Thrones and Outlander to the Triwizard Tournament and the Nessie legend there are many places to see with lots of history.

My First Week in Edinburgh

My first week in Edinburgh was spent exploring the city and beyond with my dad and sister. We rented a flat near George Square and from there we branched out and made many stops around the city. We got a real taste of Edinburgh cuisine, trying everything from real Scottish restaurants, Italian places, Mexican dishes,…

Never Trust the Breeze

A lifetime would not be enough to discover every secret corner of Edinburgh, but there is a way to look at it all at once. How? Change your perspective! Escape the streets and closes and take the time to climb the majestic hill of Arthur’s Seat, which from its 251 m of height stands imposing…

My student accommodation in Edinburgh

Edinburgh is an old city, so the accommodation in Old Town often consists of buildings that are rich in history. Daria When I was trying to research which student accommodation to choose for my stay in Edinburgh, I found most of my information on the accommodation website (Our accommodation | UOE Accommodation ( and I…

Edinburgh: a city for student discounts !

I’ve been living in Edinburgh for nearly two months now and I still feel as amazed by the city as I was in week 1. There are simply so many things to do, to see and to taste here that it felt very overwhelming at first because I had no idea how to experience everything,…

You’ve arrived in Edinburgh – now what?

After months of planning, waiting and dreaming, you’ve finally made it to the city, ready to enjoy your time abroad. But you found that you feel a little listless – classes won’t start until another week, you don’t know anyone, you don’t really have any plans. So, here is my advice on what to do…

5 Magical Facts About Edinburgh

“Woah…Where is Harry Potter.” Hi I’m Ayumi from Japan, a newly arrived exchange student who is going to stay for one semester in this magical city, Edinburgh. As I first arrived at the Royal Mile, I felt my heart beating not only because I was carrying a big suitcase and two backpacks on the cobbled…

Hi Everyone!

This is my first blog post so I thought it would be best if I gave a brief introduction and background on myself. My name is Sarah and I was born and raised in Texas (a state in the United States if anyone needs clarification). After graduating from high school, I decided to go off…

Venturing into the Scottish Highlands!

After spending two weekends settling into Edinburgh as a new visiting student, I finally got the chance to venture out into the Highlands of Scotland! As an avid Outlander fan and nature-lover, travelling to the Highlands was an obvious must. So, bright (or more aptly, very foggy) and early on Sunday morning I hopped into…

Two days in Loch Lomond

After two weeks spent in Edinburgh discovering the city and trying to get used to my new life, I decided it would be nice to start exploring Scotland. After a few researches, I chose to go to Loch Lomond for the weekend. It is one of the most famous lochs of Scotland – and for…