My First Week in Edinburgh

My first week in Edinburgh was spent exploring the city and beyond with my dad and sister. We rented a flat near George Square and from there we branched out and made many stops around the city. We got a real taste of Edinburgh cuisine, trying everything from real Scottish restaurants, Italian places, Mexican dishes,…

Living in the city

Before arriving in Edinburgh I had some preconceived notions about what the city was like. Specifically, its size. Edinburgh is way larger than I thought it would be, with tons of stuff to do!

Edinburgh: a city for student discounts !

I’ve been living in Edinburgh for nearly two months now and I still feel as amazed by the city as I was in week 1. There are simply so many things to do, to see and to taste here that it felt very overwhelming at first because I had no idea how to experience everything,…

Brunchin’ in Edinburgh

If you’re anything like me, Saturday mornings are for brunch. Thankfully, Edinburgh offers a plethora of unique breakfast cuisine guaranteed to satisfy your morning cravings and get you up and out of bed. Urban Angel                                         …

Healthy (and Inexpensive) Vegetarian Shopping in Edinburgh

Do not despair, vegetarian incomer! Affordable vegetarian options are a reality in this city. Yes. Sticking to a budget-friendly healthy-eating regime while being a student in Edinburgh is possible. There are plenty of vegetarian items at the grocery stores and restaurants with lots of options that do not break the bank. For this post, I…


Time flies! I thought I would have written plenty in my blog by this week, but there were so many things to do during the Welcome Week; and now with lessons and essays there are even more things to think about… Anyway. To cut a long story short, Edinburgh is a wonderful place to be,…

Lunar New Year in London

Coming back to your uni routine after a long break can be challenging. I spent my holiday staying up late and running out and about. Now it’s all about tutorials from 9am and afternoons spent in the library… welcome back I guess. Before I truly accept this fact, I thought ‘why not go on a…