You’ve arrived in Edinburgh – now what?

After months of planning, waiting and dreaming, you’ve finally made it to the city, ready to enjoy your time abroad. But you found that you feel a little listless – classes won’t start until another week, you don’t know anyone, you don’t really have any plans. So, here is my advice on what to do…

I’m On Exchange in Scotland: Part I

“Patience, Highlander. You have done well. But it will take time. There are generations being born and dying. You’re at one with all living things. Each man’s thoughts and dreams are yours to know. You have power beyond imagination. Use it well my friend. Don’t lose your head.” (Highlander, 1986) I knew nothing about Scotland,…

1 Month in Edinburgh… I’ve settled in!

“We have nice flying weather today but there will be some showers in Edinburgh.” Over one month ago I was sitting on an aeroplane heading for Scotland. I was excited but worried at the same time because I could only guess what would be expecting me. It turned out that there was no need to worry – I fell…