My First Week in Edinburgh

My first week in Edinburgh was spent exploring the city and beyond with my dad and sister. We rented a flat near George Square and from there we branched out and made many stops around the city. We got a real taste of Edinburgh cuisine, trying everything from real Scottish restaurants, Italian places, Mexican dishes,…

Edinburgh: a city for student discounts !

I’ve been living in Edinburgh for nearly two months now and I still feel as amazed by the city as I was in week 1. There are simply so many things to do, to see and to taste here that it felt very overwhelming at first because I had no idea how to experience everything,…

¡Hola! Hej! 안녕! – How to learn a Language in Edinburgh. Part II: Tandem

There is hardly any place that is more international than Edinburgh. With over 140 different nationalities, the university is highly multicultural – and multilingual. As a language enthusiast, you could not ask for a more inspiring and enriching environment to learn a language. There are two ways to do it.

¡Hola! Hej! 안녕! – How to learn a Language in Edinburgh. Part I: Courses

There is hardly any place that is more international than Edinburgh. With over 140 different nationalities, the university is highly multicultural – and multilingual. As a language enthusiast, you could not ask for a more inspiring and enriching environment to learn a language. There are two ways to do it.

Top 10 Teaching Style Peculiarities

Why are British students so impolite and just shout answers? That was one of the questions that engaged me during my first weeks in Edinburgh. The initial uncertainty and confusion have vanished. Now, I shall highlight the 10 main differences in the teaching style at the University of Edinburgh compared to my home institution in…

A wee bit of Scottishness or the discovery of a culture.

Hi there, and welcome back! Only two weeks have passed since my last article but I feel like Alice falling down the rabbit’s hole into a completely new and magical world. Upon my arrival, I’ve been thrown in the middle of the hustle of life in the city. After staring in amazement through the window…

How to Make a Horcrux: Torn From My Year in Edinburgh

Splitting a soul is not easy, as Harry Potter and countless other works of literature portrays. It is particularly difficult when it was not a conscious choice. When all of my exciting traveling had come to an end and the hectic preparation for exams manifested, time had sprinted ahead and I was left staring down…

Spring Into Moments: Part One

The past few months have been quite the blur of adventure and study, with a jam-packed spring break moving into a peanut-butter fueled revision period, I have left my impressions to spread together and will now attempt to sandwich them into a series of moments. Lisbon, Portugal Surfing in the Atlantic Ocean: Friends that I…

The Holidays while on Holiday

December in Edinburgh is an interesting time. Heaps of snow and frozen lakes that I was used to was replaced with rain, sometimes hail, and overpriced yet joyous ice-skating rinks. Despite the typical rainy weather of Scotland, people were everywhere, all of the time, flocking to the popular Edinburgh Christmas Market, Princes Street ‘sales’, and…