How to Socialize 101

Einsteine Veliyanka I grew up lonely. Both my parents worked taxing jobs, and my brother only came into the picture when I was 10 years old. I had spent the better part of my childhood being away from my parents and never outside the house. Kids in my neighborhood were scarce and didn’t play outside…

Let a Few Intrusive Thoughts Win

                I love surprising people by being in places I shouldn’t. One of the beautiful things about Edinburgh is how easy it is to get from one location to another, even without a car. Using buses, I have taken at least three different daytrips to visit spots most tourists will ignore, and I have been…

Don’t Rely on Skye Public Transport

It feels like studying in Scotland requires a visit to the Isle of Skye. It’s a beautiful place unlike any other on earth, and as a foreigner, when else will one have such an occasion again? So, the question arises; how do I get there? As a 20-year-old, I have no way of renting a…

Stumbling Upon Friends

            Did you know differences can bring people together? I know, it seems to be a contradictory thought. How can things we don’t have in common cause us to form friendships and bond? I’m here to tell you, that is the study abroad experience. When I first arrived in Edinburgh, one of my top worries…

Halfway through November: 3 reminders for your time in Edinburgh

The trees in George Square change their colours, slowly: green has turned to yellow, but that will darken to orange and red in no time. Whenever you walk on the inner side of the road along the park fence, leaves crunch up beneath your shoes while you hurry from one building to another, always stressed…

5 places to visit in your first week in Edinburgh

You are excited, simply restless and probably just arrived in Edinburgh. This label applied to almost all of my fellow international and exchange students I met in my first week, including myself. But instead of running around the city completely restless, you might have a look at the following list with my top 5 recommendations…

On Portobello Beach

            Many students I know in Edinburgh believe that summer ends and autumn starts on September 1st  because of the start of school. It occurred to me during September 1st of 2022 that the leaves of cherry trees in The Meadows remained lush green, temperature in the afternoons hovered around the mid-twenties and aside from…

The castle

In all of the places that I have lived in the United States, none of them have had a castle in the middle of the city. I have been told that this isn’t normal for Europe, but it is amazing nonetheless. It’s not hidden either, it’s the focal point of the entire city. Sat at…

Learning to be spontaneous

I like to characterize myself as an extroverted introvert; it takes moving mountains and buildings for me to build the courage and strength to participate in a social setting, but when I do get comfortable, I like to consider myself the life of the party. That being said, something that has always frightened me was…

First Time Experiencing a Scottish Ceilidh

Coming into my study abroad experience, I knew I wanted to be as immersed in a new culture as possible. Studying in Scotland during my college career had always been on my list of must-dos, but I knew I wanted to do it right. I quickly realized that while Edinburgh and Boston share many similarities,…